Sandy Costa (She)
My first dog, and an amazing dog.
Sandy was my first dog and amazing, but she was more attached to my parents then to me.
We travelled all the way from Rotterdam to Friesland to get sandy. When we met the owner, she told us a little bit about sandy and we would see if sandy would like us. To our surprise, she did!
She also told us we were lucky that we called, because a day before we did another person called asking to buy her as a "toy", absolute joke.
After we were sure sandy was close to us, we took her home with us and she was officially ours.
Before she got put down, we started to notice she was barely eating or drinking. We took her to the doctors and she got medication because she was sick and had heart problems, but these didn't help.
A week later, we started seeing it was going completely wrong, and we took her to the vet. And they told us she had a big cancer tumor which was not noticed a the heart scan a week before this.
We gave her a perfect home together with Vanya, who came at 2016, and they had a lot of fun and also with meetings with other dogs, but unfortunately on 23/09/2024 at 8:00PM it was permanently time to say goodbye to Sandy.